What Dads Need to Know To Help Children Develop Emotional Wellness

What Dads Need to Know To Help Children Develop Emotional Wellness

Did you know that men experience emotions equally, if not more intensely than women do? Men tend to hide their emotions or withdraw, whereas women are more likely to express their feelings directly and seek the support of friends and family. What matters most as a dad, is that you work on your emotional wellness and take important steps to help your children develop emotional wellness.

How Dads Can Connect With Their Babies and Help Them Develop Healthy Brains

How Dads Can Connect With Their Babies and Help Them Develop Healthy Brains

Are you a soon-to- be dad or a dad with a young baby? Are you a mom with a baby on the way, young child, or family support worker who wants to support dads? If so, then you may enjoy this week’s Facts for Fathers, Daddy, I Need You. It’s about the importance of dad’s care and interaction to supporting child brain development and how dads can build strong bonds with their young children.

What is a Positively Involved Father?

What is a Positively Involved Father?

At Dad Central our vision is to see every child have access to an involved, responsible and devoted dad. We exist to connect, inspire and train dads and communities to build healthy children together.

As we approach the fall of 2021 and a post-pandemic world, we’re starting a new blog series that goes back to the basics. It’s our Facts For Fathers series.