Fatherhood Masterclass: Putting It All Together

Fatherhood Masterclass: Videos #1-3


  1. vincent brothers

    I believe the hardest thing for dads these days, is the legal system that is heavily skewed against them. If a woman chooses to, she can make up anything she wants and destroy a mans life financially, and emotionally and withhold his children, the system preaches that having both parents present is in the child’s best interest.. however the laws don’t reflect this and and the courts actually use children as pawns in the family courts, or at least they can. financially draining father or families in general through the court system is not what is best for the family, not the parents, or the children, the laws need to change before anything else changes, I feel this is such a paramount issue.

  2. Drew Soleyn

    Vincent – I agree that for dads involved in the unfortunate and difficult process of separation/divorce there is nothing harder than navigating the family court system. It’s clearly broken. The “other systems” involved with the family, just like most systems of government – all need improvement. Dads in this situation need support. I believe that providing practical steps to maintain, protect, and grow healthy relationships and dads’ capacity as fathers will also support the changes needed in the family systems. Every little bit helps, so let’s keep working together to speak up for both parents being actively involved and supported. Every level of society needs to know and support this truth. Policy and law also needs to align with this truth.

  3. Ian Woods

    THANK YOU! This was a fantastic watch and a great way of reopening my eyes. We get stuck as dads in routines and I feel growing up as male I figured out what fun meant and how to easily achieve it. I try everyday to show my kids there is fun in everything, just sometimes we have to create it. I struggle from time to time with being short tempered and being unable to walk away from my selfishness. These are traits that I do not want to pass down. I truly believe my children are awesome and will show their world the power they hold. I look on from the shadows most days because their brightness is overpowering, but when I come home from work everyday I am still greeting with a hug. God I didnt know what real life was like till I had kids and I want to share that with everyone I can. I am ecstatic for the next parts and learning more ways to being a better day. I follow the Kaizen way and take it 1% at a time. Thank you Dad Central!

    • Drew Soleyn

      Thank you Ian! I’m so glad you found value in the content. It sounds like you’re committed to your dad role. Keep up the great work!

  4. Graham

    Thank you! You covered a lot of content, and summarized it nicely in a very approachable and relatable way. It was not hard to mentally see misses I’ve made as recently as today(!), so I look forwarding to trying to apply some of these and thereby teaching myself to do better for my family.

    • Drew Soleyn

      You’re very welcome, Graham. It sounds like you’re a committed dad, so thank you for all you do for your family. Keep up the great work!

  5. Jeremy Belleau

    Hi, I’m new here, how do I get more information/support on this? I’m in a situation similar to what’s been described above and the system is definatetly letting me down and my child as well. Any help is appreciated.


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