Save the Date for the 4th Canadian National Fatherhood Conference – May 12-13, 2021
This will be the largest, and most exciting version of the conference ever. Save May 12-13, 2021 in your calendar and look for the registration opening announcement coming January 2021!
Our main theme, Celebrating the Diversity of Fatherhood, brings fabulous keynote speakers and engaging workshop presenters together to showcase every aspect of working with fathers from diverse groups, while building on established best practices.

4th Canadian National Fatherhood Conference | 2021 Call for Workshops (Virtual) | Deadline Oct 20th
We are inviting submissions for 90 minute workshops. The 4th Canadian National Fatherhood Conference; Side by Side: Celebrating the Diversity of Fatherhood, is for anyone interested in engaging fathers in their community with services, programs, or resources. Our goal is to help service providers and community members provide fathers with the knowledge and support needed around the healthy development of children.

Paternity Leave in Canada: an opportunity not to be taken lightly
In my early years of parenting I saw my role as supporting my wife, bringing home a paycheque, and making sure the leak in the roof of our house (among other things) got fixed. Oh, I spent a lot of time alone with my daughter because my job was a contract and my wife went to work while I stayed home for 4 months of that first year. That was before fathers could take a share of the parental leave.

Dad Central and Dove Men+Care Team Up to Tackle Fatherhood — Plus a Live Virtual Event for Dads April 7th
We have teamed up with Dove Men+Care to promote involved fatherhood across Canada and provide resources and workshops that benefit dads and organizations that serve dads.

How Dad Central is Adapting to the Current Realities
Our goal is to support dads and their families by providing resources, sharing insights, and building relationships that support involved fatherhood. In this time of adapting, parents and families are coping with school closures and work from home arrangements. This unique challenge can be daunting. Considering this, we have a few updates we hope will be timely.