How Our Plans For Our Children Change Over Time
I know that it’s not just me. The moment I became a dad and even before I became a dad, I had all these amazing ideas, plans and values for this little human I helped to create.
I know that it’s not just me. The moment I became a dad and even before I became a dad, I had all these amazing ideas, plans and values for this little human I helped to create.
As I refined my ability to communicate, the practice of keeping it simple did wonders. Here are the ABCs and 123s from my learning along with John Maxwell’s guidance for ways to keep it simple. Regardless of circumstances, they can help you connect with the people that matter most.
Families and parents have faced extreme pressure to navigate the changing world and how that affects their children’s lives. Social distancing, vaccination status, racial tensions, and political divides create so much uncertainty when it comes to teaching children about building relationships.
Since 2020 Dad Central has partnered with Dove Men+Care to promote involved fatherhood across Canada. In that time, over 150,000 dads have been impacted through delivery of free fatherhood resources and training.
Over the years there are a few themes I have kept coming back to because I think they are so important. One of them is “the motherload.” That’s the somewhat intangible (and to men, sometimes invisible) load of responsibility, care, worry, planning and keeping track that usually falls on mothers’ shoulders.
We share two powerful stories that can help kids reach their potential. In our first video, Jack Armstrong shares the impact his “tough love” had on his former players. He then connects that to how parents can set expectations and support their children in meeting or exceeding those expectations. His insight and wit in telling the story makes the principle easy to digest.