The Motherload

The Motherload

Over the years there are a few themes I have kept coming back to because I think they are so important. One of them is “the motherload.” That’s the somewhat intangible (and to men, sometimes invisible) load of responsibility, care, worry, planning and keeping track that usually falls on mothers’ shoulders.

How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids: 5 steps for dads

How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids: 5 steps for dads

I imagine many dads may struggle with staying calm in the midst of challenging times. Despite our best effort, something can always push our buttons and result in momentarily losing control of our voices. That being said, it’s crucial to learn better ways to respond in the moment and communicate in calm, respectful ways. Making this change is important if you truly want to raise confident and successful children.

The goal of this post is not to condemn the fact you yell – it’s to help you decrease, and ultimately stop yelling at your kids. From personal experience, let me tell you it’s worth the time and energy to improve in this area.