Sorry, SDSK Quickstart FREE Training is closed….
If you want to serve dads in
your community, you need the
Super Dads Super Kids program
Since 2009, Super Dads Super Kids has been the gold standard for helping dads:
- Parent better and connect with their child
- Spend more quality time with their child
- Teach their children about topics like emotions, health, and communication
Simply put, Super Dads Super Kids is a program that connects dads with their kids like no other.
Enter your email address to stay up to date about the next enrollment in the Super Dads Super Kids Facilitator Training Digital Course.
We currently support Punjabi Father support program in the Abbotsford Area. Great information and especially the part about confidence about being a parent and a father.
Hi Nam, Thanks for your work and kind words. Please reach out to me at [email protected]. We have resources for newcomers to Canada as well as content translated into Punjabi. I’d love to get those to you.
This looks like a fantastic resource for dads. I’m really interested to see the next instalment.
Thanks Gareth. Stay tuned!
I run online support groups for dad’s this is awesome! I’m excited to learn more!
Awesome Serena – thanks for the work you’re doing to support dads online. I hope the rest of the training is just as valuable to you.
I love the Super Dads Super Kids program. I took the facilitator training course and hope to one day introduce the program to my community. I have been coordinating a Strengthening Families program in my community for 15 years. The information and resources SDSK has introduced me to is exciting and invaluable to my current role.
Thanks Louise. We love hearing this feedback…it sounds like this will help you take that next step. We’d love to see you get a SDSK program in your community too!
I currently facilitate SDSK with one of my co-workers how has taken the training in the past and we have a lot of great feedback from our dads. I’m very excited to take the upcoming training to fully understand the program and provide more opportunities for the dads I work with.
Amazing work Desiray! Hearing more results of SDSK supporting dads is music to our ears. Thanks for joining us here.
We work with newly single dads who are struggling to adapt to a new reality and find healthy co-parenting supports. I appreciate both the 7 assumptions and 4 contradictions identified in this course as they cover a number of challenges these dads are trying to develop identities as newly single fathers. Thanks you for bringing these areas into focus.
Thank you, Christopher. It sounds like the dads you serve need lots of support and you’re providing it. Keep up the great work!
Hi Drew,
Great example about connections for Dad’s. This is a concept that they are unfamiliar with until they are made aware of about important connection is to building relationships within their support network of children, spouses, and community. This is a concept that dads from different cultures really struggle with.
Thanks Nam. Glad to know this concept can be helpful to support dads.
Bonjour nous sommes une concertation d’organismes en petite enfance et on a 1 projet commun sur la paternité. Votre formation est très intéressante et très utile pour les intervenants. Est-ce que les vidéos sont traduites en français nous aimerions les diffuser aux intervenants pour susciter une réflexion de groupe sur les enjeux de la paternité. Merci pour ces supports de travail !!
Hi Audrey, Thank you for the kind words. We’re very glad to know this could be helpful for others. I do apologize, but we don’t have a french language version at this time, but we do have many french language resources in our resource store here: https://dadcentral.ca/resource-store/
The three thumbnails are not able ro be played. I waited to watch them all together and take notes but the hyperlink just opens up this page again which is annoying. Im hoping they will change and the video will remain available. Ots a shame not to be able to take advantage of them.
Hi Gareth, Thanks for the comment. I’m sorry you’re running into issues. The videos all still load and are available till midnight Pacific time tonight, so it seems the issue may be on your end. I suggest clearing your cache and trying again. I hope you find them valuable.
They didn’t load. Shame would have loved to have taken advantage. Any chance they could be shared again?