Working From Home With Kids

Working from home with kids can be challenging, which is why we’ve developed a resource to provide you with tips on how to balance your work-life and dad-life while being home. This resource includes tips from fatherhood expert, Dr. Greg Fabiano, to help make working from home manageable.


  • Speak to your boss/colleagues to manage their expectations: make them aware of your situation and how it may affect your work and provide solutions of how you plan to remain professional and productive; i.e. setting boundaries with your family, setting a daily schedule for child(ren) that includes “quiet time”, and inquire about other parent-friendly policies at your workplace to help you manage your situation, i.e. flextime.

  • While working in a shared space, ensure your child(ren) know to respect your workspace. This could be done by setting boundaries during work hours.
  • Establish and stick to a family routine and schedule. This may need to be modified from the typical schedule but should be clear to everyone what happens, and when; whether it is creating dedicated worktime, quiet time, and play time for both you and your kids, i.e. make time for breakfast or lunch with your child(ren) by scheduling time in your work calendar.
  • Plan some activities that allow your child(ren) to work independently such as: online learning or games, watching favourite shows or movies, creating a new dance, reading or writing stories, or virtual play-dates with friends or family.
  • Caring for your child(ren) comes first; which may require you to work flexible hours or requesting a later deadline for work, so you’re present for the moments your child needs you most.


All dads get stressed or frustrated; remember you’re not alone and there are plenty of ways to learn to manage these feelings. It’s important to note that your little one(s) are observant of changes in routine, family, and stress levels. The most important thing for your child(ren) to know is that they are safe and that they just need to do their job of being a kid. There are a lot of coping mechanisms that you can practice by yourself and with your child(ren) to help relieve stress.

  • Meditate alone and with your child(ren). This is an opportunity to teach them lifelong techniques to deal with stress and anxiety.

  • Have positive and open communication with your kids; whether you are speaking about difficult times in your lives or in the world; it is important to help them understand the situation. Make positive remarks on what you or world leaders are doing at the time to help keep them safe and healthy, and what responsibility they can take on to work as a team.

  • Stay active through indoor and outdoor sports, games, and activities as physical health is a direct and positive correlation to good mental heath


  • Praise/compliment your child(ren) liberally, when you catch them being good. For example, mention what you specifically like about their behaviour.
  • Choose your battles. For example, ignore minor or annoying behaviour while ensuring family rules are being respected.
  • Get the day started off on a positive note with a morning routine. For example, prepare family breakfast together, from cooking to prepping the table.
  • Create new rituals for your child(ren) to look forward to. For example, stop everything you’re doing andhave a dance party at 10 a.m. every morning.
  • Think about how to use sports activities to bond with your child(ren). For example, throw a ball in the laundry basket from different parts of the room.
  • Think about how to use everyday household items as crafts for kids. For example, use paper towel rolls to make hockey sticks or telescopes. Play “lava” by placing pillows on the ground for kids to jump around on.
  • Read bedtime stories together. For example, find authors doing interactive readings online while watch and listen together.
  • Keep your child(ren) engaged with innovation and resourcefulness with at-home activities. For example, cook together while learning about nutrition and math, do science experiments with ingredients in your kitchen.


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