10 Things to do with your baby when there is nothing to do
Have you ever found yourself just staring at your baby and wondering “what do I do with you now”? You can’t go kick around a soccer ball, or pull out the paints, or teach her to throw a slider. But the ways you interact with her now will build the base you both need in order to have strong relationship later on. So just doing anything with your baby is teaching her she matters to you. Here are ten things you can do when it seems like there is nothing else to do . . .
- Go for a house tour. Look out each window and into each mirror, click on the lights, check out the artwork. Talk about what you see.
- Put on music and dance while holding your baby.
- Make a mobile by hanging bright objects from a hanger. Hang it where your baby can bat at it.
- Just for kicks lie him on his back and hold out things that make an interesting noise when he kicks them: a newspaper, aluminum foil or a set of car keys.
- Sing a song or say a rhyme and move your baby’s arms to do the actions.
- Play peekaboo. Put a dish towel over his head and say, “Where’s Mikey?” Maybe he will pull it off. If not, pull it off for him: “There he is!”
- Let her grab your thumbs when she’s lying down, and then holding onto her wrists, pull her up gently. Does she try to stand up?
- Water play. Put her in the high chair, put a little bit of water in the tray and let her splash.
- Kitchen concert. When he’s old enough to sit up, give him a plastic or wooden spoon and let him bang on some pots.
- Get a container – a shoe box, old purse or small bag – fill it with a variety of small safe objects and toys. Let your baby pull them out.
Your Tool Kit
/in DAD'S TOOL KIT /by ndbadminNever leave home without your tools, especially those for changing diapers.
10 Things to do with your baby when there is nothing to do
/in DAD'S TOOL KIT /by ndbadminHave you ever found yourself just staring at your baby and wondering “what do I do with you now”?